What Adjustable Legs Should I Get For My IGT Camp Kitchen?

What Adjustable Legs Should I Get For My IGT Camp Kitchen?

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The modularity of IGT System Camp Kitchens is unparalleled, and if you're deep into the system you may easily find yourself with a nicer kitchen and more prep space than you have at home. But that flexibility can also mean there's a lot of questions about what works best, and how best to build your kit. As part of our Help Series, let's break down the literal foundation of the Snow Peak Iron Grill Table, the legs with a few sections,

What Pieces Connect to Different IGT Heights?

Snow Peak first released the IGT in 2003, and with it only one size of legs - the Standing Height 830mm. It would go on to incorporate next the 660mm Sitting Height, 400mm Low Height, and 300mm Ground Height over the next few years.

These four heights are still, over 20 years later, the core offerings. Most products that Snow Peak sells nest into one of these heights. And knowing how you want to use your IGT will help you determine what size of our KōROGI Adjustable Legs for the IGT are most appropriate. 

Ground Height (300mm) Products

Starting at the bottom, 300mm, is the lowest height Snow Peak supports. This height is meant to be used while sitting on the floor or ground. At the lowest level, it has the fewest amount of integration options. Products that can be integrated at this height include,

A Ground Height Single Action Table at the HQ1 Jyubako

Low Height (400mm) Products

The next height up, 400mm, is typically for those who like to be seated in a chair and cook without anything in their way. Having started small, this height is now the second most popular offering of non-adjustable legs that Snow Peak sells - and much of that is due to its connections,

Cooking around the table with 400mm IGT Legs

Sitting Height (660mm) Products

As the name implies, Sitting Height at 660mm, is meant to be used while seated. This is the closest height to a traditional dining table experience, with a plate in front of you or used as a work surface. Despite existing for nearly 20 years prior to the IGT, not many products live at this height, 

Sitting height for adults, 660mm is a great standing height for little ones

Standing Height (830mm) Products

In the taller spaces, connections to other products become quite rare, with only a single offering outside of the mainline IGT series,

IGT Leg Heights Outside of the Snow Peak's Main Four

With how popular the Snow Peak IGT Camp Kitchen is, there have naturally been those who want to build something a little more tailored to their needs. While there are a number of these settings out there, we're highlighting the more common ones.

120mm Floor Height

Only seen on the Snow Peak Stainless Steel Kitchen Table, this is as close to touching the floor as you can get. With no other docking or connection options, it has us wondering if there was at one point more planned.

250mm Height

Same as the above in its rarity and presence only with the Stainless Steel Kitchen Table, we have not been able to come up with an answer as to why. With how close it is to the already-existing 300mm Ground Height, it seems to live in no-mans land.

500mm + 550mm Knee Height

We're lumping these together for two reasons. First, with only a 5cm (2in) difference between the two heights most people will be hard pressed to create much distinction. Second, because of that narrow difference, we view these as two sides of the same coin. This height is for those who enjoy the 400mm height, but want a little bit more out of it so they don't have to extend as far.

920mm Counter Height

A KōROGI original, we developed the 920mm Counter Height Leg setting with inspiration from Snow Peak themselves. As the IGT was released, Snow Peak moved from a 660mm height to 830mm to "adapt to the growing height of Japanese [people]". With so many sizes of humans, we felt it appropriate to help offer greater comfort at camp while cooking. 

This height is set to the standard American Kitchen Countertop of approximately 36". We did this to not only create comfort, but familiarity in motion to what many Americans would be used to at home.

Comparing the 830mm Standing Height and 920mm Counter Height

Adjustable Leg Ranges

With so many options, it's natural that people seek out a more flexible approach. It is why we offer adjustable legs in three different sizes to keep packing low and modularity high. While we will focus on the adjustable legs we sell, it's worth pointing out that there are other brands that do as well. We hope you'll consider this as a general guide no matter what you're using.

The Adjustable IGT Legs we offer span the following,

XL Adjustable Legs for the IGT in their Sitting and Counter Heights

The big question we get a lot though is, does Snow Peak make adjustable IGT legs? The short answer is, they used to.

Released around 2013, the now discontinued Snow Peak Adjustable IGT legs came in two sizes, short and long. The Short size covered 300 + 400mm, and the long was 660 and 830mm. As they have been out of production for some time, they command a premium on the secondhand market.

Snow Peak Adjustable IGT Legs Spotted in their Hokkaido Jyubako

Why Adjustable Legs for my IGT?

The reasons to go for adjustable instead of fixed legs are pretty straightforward, and we like to consider them as a phase 2 of expanding your IGT setup. They allow you to grow and play with the concepts you've been working with, while still allowing for flexibility. 

For example, if you're unsure if you'd like to have a Sitting or Standing Height Bamboo Extension Table, the Adjustable Leg Long allows you to have both and get a feel for what comes next.

Or, if you really need the extra height and want to add a set of XL Adjustable IGT Legs while not walling off those components from the rest of your setup, you can use them still with Sitting or Standing Height components.

It's worth mentioning none of this means a fixed height leg is a bad choice. If you know 100% how you want to use your kitchen setup, or are looking for a big more stability, a fixed Snow Peak IGT Leg could very well be the right choice.

So, What Adjustable IGT Legs are Right for Me?

Short Adjustable IGT Legs are best for those who tend to sit while cooking and camping. With the Ground (400mm) and Sitting (660mm) heights built in, it allows for a modular cooking around the fire and eating at the table experience. With the addition of both Knee Heights, you can also remain seated while cooking while giving a bit more comfort if you're on the taller side.

Long Adjustable IGT Legs are our best all-around Adjustable Leg. With 500-830mm heights including both Knee Heights, Sitting, and Standing Heights built in they become a near one-size-fits-all approach. Use the Knee Height to keep a BBQ going near the fire, move to the Sitting Height when it's time to eat, and bring out the Standing Height for clean up and organization. 

XL Adjustable IGT Legs are best for those who enjoy a more traditional experience and may already have some legs or know they prefer to stand while cooking. With Sitting Height and Standing Height offerings, they easily and seamlessly integrate into your existing leg portfolio. It also means they will perfectly join with any legs a friend may bring along. They also, thanks to Snow Peak Drop Connection integration will allow you to keep a table or two at Counter Height, then easily connect to Standing or Sitting Heights as well.

Final Thoughts

After you've experienced your IGT Camp Kitchen, Adjustable Legs will make a great next step and expansion on the concepts you're working with. Or, if you're unsure about where next to grow your IGT system, you'll be able to play with a few styles and setups with less overall commitment.

As always, if you have any questions about Adjustable IGT Legs, feel free to leave a comment or drop us a line.


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