• Survival Tool Model B

Survival Tool Model B

While credit-card sized multi-tools are commonplace to the point of often relegating themselves to dollar bins or As-Seen-On-TV promotions today, decades ago Snow Peak's Survival Tools offered high quality functionality in a relatively new package.

A pair of sharp blades combined with a multitude of functions allowed for the patenting of this piece, firmly establishing it as a unique part of a camp kit. The larger of two models, the rectangular shape still fit in to a pants pocket or attached to a belt using the included sheath.

Snow Peak continues to offer multi-function pieces to this day.

  • Product Details
    • Unknown Part Number
    • Stainless steel
    • Leather case
    • 20 functions


Included with each Snow Peak Survival Tool was a pocket sized booklet walking through the 20+ functions that it could perform. Axe, hand-plane, compass, water distillery, the list is seemingly endless and at some times bordering on absurd.