Chopping Board Set No.4

While the smaller (No.2) Chopping Board Set has seen little change in terms of dimension, the larger sibling Chopping Board Set No.4 has seen shifts to both the knife itself as well as the dimensions of the chopping board.

Unlike the modern Chopping Board Set L offered today, this does not fit into a 1U IGT Component space, measuring longer while also skinnier. The knife is closer to a traditional Japanese deba design, with wooden handle and plastic ferrule. 

  • Archive Info
    • 90-KT-02
    • Acquired: 2023
  • Product Details
    • CS-204
    • Steel blade
    • Wooden handle with plastic ferrule
    • Beech wood board


While deba knives are typically defined by their single beveled blades, this piece eschews that for a more standard double-edged option while retaining the classic form factor. A second edition, this piece features the large logo on the blade.

Big Logo

This chopping board set is one of a few products that has seen multiple logo variants on the same product code. Prior to this model the 1980s mountain logo was used, and for a short time the lowercase 1995 logo made an appearance.

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